5 Countries That Do Not Celebrate New Year’s Day on 1st January

Do you know not all countries and cultures celebrate New Year’s Day on January 1? Most of the countries follow the Gregorian calendar, with 365 days, or 12 months in a year, and leap years to boot. The year ends on December 31 and begins on January 1. But there are several countries and cultures that celebrate New Year later in the year and not on 1st Jan. These countries and cultures follow solar, lunar, and other hybrid calendars. Here is the list of 5 countries that do not follow the Gregorian calendar: 5 Countries That Do Not Celebrate New Year’s Day on 1st January China Chinese New Year is celebrated in first week of February. For 2019, the date is on Tuesday, 5 February. Chinese New Year is also known as Spring Festival or Lunar New Year and the day signifies the beginning of the spring harvest season. Colorful dragons, roadshows, lanterns, and fun activities can be seen across the country. India Every State of India celebrates New Year as per local calendar...