5 Reasons Why Women Cheat In Relationships
The first question that comes to mind when a spouse cheats is: Why? A study by the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, attempted to answer that question and found that the reasons behind infidelity differ greatly between the s3xes.
For men, it's typically about the s3x — the more s3xually excitable they are, the more likely they are to cheat. For women, it's more about the level of satisfaction in her relationship; if a woman is unhappy in her marriage, she's 2.6 times more likely to cheat.
Find out five common reasons why women cheat. Of course, every situation is unique, but these explanations may help you better understand your partner's actions.
1. They're Dealing with Low Self-Esteem
There are many reasons why some women struggle with low self-esteem. Whether they're not happy with their job, their looks, or their relationship, dealing with poor self-esteem could be a reason to cheat.
For instance, if you weren't feeling good about yourself and someone came into your life who gave you compliments and showed an interest in you, you may be tempted to explore something with this new person who makes you feel so good. In this case, almost anyone could find themselves suddenly willing to throw caution to the wind in order to find the validation they need and are not getting in their current relationship.
2. They're Emotionally Starved
If a person is feeling emotionally unfulfilled, it could lead them to stray from their relationship. Some couples may find themselves caught up in their careers and focused on every aspect of life besides their significant other. This can quickly turn into neglect and loneliness, which are both reasons why some women may cheat on their partner. They can end up looking for emotional attachment elsewhere.
3. They're Angry
Some people seem to think that there is no better way to get back at someone who cheated on them than to cheat themselves. The saying “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” exists for a reason. If someone has been cheated on, they may cheat on their partner as a form of revenge, even if they'd previously put their relationship first in the past.
4. They're Seeking Excitement
You've likely heard of the term serial cheaters—people who cheat for the thrill of it. Women can be thrill seekers, too. They may love their S.O. and would never entertain the thought of leaving them, but they may also think they need a little something extra.
It seems as though most “thrill seekers” eventually miss the feeling of someone not being able to keep their hands off of them. They want to be wanted and to feel s3xy. When they lose this feeling, they could go looking for it outside the relationship.
5. They're Feeling S3xually Deprived
If someone isn’t getting s3x at home, don’t be surprised if they go looking for it somewhere else. With age, some people naturally become less interested in s3x, or even develop a s3xual dysfunction, which could lead to a less exciting s3x life. Whatever the reason is, ignoring the s3xual needs of your S.O. could lead to larger problems in your relationship. When someone feels their partner no longer wants them s3xually, they may feel deprived and uncared for. This could cause them to go outside of the relationship to find what they need.
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